Reblogged: “How To Prepare For The Love Of Your Life”

jenniLifestyle 2 Comments

Single or in a relationship or married, I think we could all learn from this:

How To Prepare For The Love Of Your Life

How to find love?

Well, first you must become love- that is the secret. You must take on these steps before engaging in a relationship if you want a meaningful, healthy connection with another person. Once you are content with yourself and your life, you will attract the people who are meant to be in you life at that very moment.

1. Have (or be in the process of building) a fulfilled life:

How attractive is it when a person gushes about the new book they just read or the garden they just started? Aren’t the people who have things going for them the most interesting? Not only will this surround you with like minded people who enjoy doing what you do, it will also make you less needy in the relationship and more independent as you already have an established life of your own. You cook, work out, have a busy job, spend time with family and friends and you work on self-improvement! These are all qualities an attractive person has, they are so happy with their life on their own that they crave to share it with another person.

They don’t depend 100% on another person to make them feel worthy, why? Because they already have that for themselves. They don’t need to find love to fill a void, rather to share their abundance of love they self-cultivated.

2. Arrange finances and other personal issues:

Of course, none of us are perfect and we all have personal issues to deal with, but being that is no ticket to permit us to be irresponsible about taking care of them. Are you in a stressful situation with your parents? Do you hate your job because you’re always at work? Do you have an eating disorder that is causing you to isolate yourself and not feel happy in your own skin? All of these bumps in the road are understandable, in fact, they are all a part of growing in this life, however, sitting back and waiting to be reduced is not an attractive quality to possess. Figure your finances out, mend relationships, and take care of yourself, this will surely prepare you to receive love from another person.

3. Forgive yourself and become open to the flow of it all:

If you have experienced a horrible breakup or just hesitant to open up and become vulnerable, know that while love is definitely a risk, without it life wouldn’t exist. Without love, we simply move around day to day, getting by, but with love, ah with love, one can truly experience a rich, fulfilled life. Do not hold grudges or have preconceived expectations, do not compare past lovers, and do not hold back. Everything in life that was meant to be will not pass you, it will come, but you simply must believe that and accept the fact that you deserve love.

Always love and take care of yourself first, how can one provide love with an empty vessel? Fill your day with hobbies and people you enjoy and remember, love will find you at the most unexpected time. Perhaps you won’t feel “ready” or you will feel it is the wrong time – push those feelings aside. Simply allow whoever comes into your life at that time, because the Universe brings you who you need, at the right time, for the right reasons.

Here’s to love.

You deserve it.

Comments 2

  1. Again, a very timely post. Oh Ms. Jenni you’re such a big inspiration to me and to many others. You have a knack for saying the right words at the right time. You are truly amazing for you always inspire me to be a better me.

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