Poached Egg & Goat Cheese Salad

jenniFood Leave a Comment

Thought I’d share with you a meatless recipe you can try for Lent.

I like eating salads for breakfast. My favorite concoction is greens with poached eggs. Poaching is one of the healthiest ways to cook eggs.

Remember the Poached Egg with Pesto Dressing I blogged? This time, I’m using goat cheese (available in groceries, deli’s and specialty stores) and fresh herbs dressing. I like eggs for breakfast as it’s filling and gives me my daily protein dose. Greens are good roughage and olive oil is has MUFAs, a healthy fat that can protect against heart disease and other serious illness.


1 fresh egg
1-2 tbsp. vinegar (optional)
fresh greens
2-3 oz. soft goat cheese
basil, finely chopped
mint, finely chopped
1-2 garlic, finely chopped
1 tsp fresh lemon
1/2 cup olive oil
freshly ground pepper

Easy peasy:

To make dressing: combine the goat cheese, finely chopped garlic, basil, mint, olive oil, salt and pepper.

Tip: For easy mixing, put all the ingredients in a clean, empty jar then cover it and shake the hell out of it. Pour the dressing on the salad.

To poach an egg: first bring water in a saucepan to almost boiling. If the water is already boiling, lower the heat until it is no longer boiling. At this point, you can add one or two teaspoons of vinegar to the water, if you want (personally, I don’t taste the vinegar). The vinegar will help the egg whites to congeal more easily. We use seasoned rice vinegar.

Crack an egg into a small cup, then place the cup near the surface of the hot water and gently drop the egg into the water. With a spoon, nudge the eggwhites closer to their yolks. This will help the egg whites hold together.

Tip: Simmer, don’t boil. Boiling will break apart the egg white. Also, fresh eggs will be easier to poach (they’ll hold together better) than older eggs.

Normally, it’s not polite to stare. But don’t worry: that rule doesn’t fly with me! Feast your eyes on this awesomeness:

This salad is so good, it will take a strong willpower not to lick the plate, haha!

Wishing all of you a meaningful Lenten season.

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